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R.I.P Patrick Swayze (August 18, 1952 – September 14, 2009)

Well, this year’s traditional Christmas Eve viewing of MST3K’s Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is going to be all super poignant.  But then, as our friend Blanche says, “Why wait till Christmas?”

O! Let’s Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas One and All!

9 Responses to “It’s My Way or the Highway to Heaven”

This is, like, the twentieth of my favorite blogs that I’ve visited tonight that has a prominent tribute to Swayze. Hey, I’ve got no problem with that, particularly as someone who has witnessed death from pancreatic cancer, so Godspeed to him and his family. RIP.

But am I missing something? Was Swayze an especially important part of the zeitgeist, and I missed it? I guess I’m just feeling culturally insecure, as usual, but the general outpouring for the man has caught me off guard. I totally got Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett and most of the other famous people who have died lately, but this one has me stumped.

Okay, I think I recognize the manic phase following the cessation of the set, right?

They did stop, right?

Nom, I think the reaction is similar to the I had to the deaths of John Ritter and Christopher Reeve. Like them, Swayze just seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
And he was a real star-no matter how goofy his movies were (and “Roadhouse” was pretty damned goofy), he NEVER came across as goofy on-camera. He had enough charm and presence to make you forget how absurd the plots were. He was also really hot, though that may matter more to me than to some of you.
Plus, he was a better singer the Don Johnson and Bruce Willis:

Nom, I think it’s more the rather courageous story of his battle with pancreatic cancer (how many actors can you name who went BACK to the cameras after a terminal diagnosis?) than his accomplishments.

But you have a point. On the other hand, all it would take is a story like the Michael Jackson death to knock him into the remaindered bin like Farrah.

Swayze was never in any movie that I liked, but he did seem like a nice guy and he sure could dance. Besides, no one deserves to die of pancreatic cancer, except Dick Cheney who deserves every bad thing in the world.

@Nom de Plume: Geez! Swayze was the star of Roadhouse.
@Bill S: the trick is to buff away the goofy and see the dense, literate gem beneath.

actor212 Robert Urich (or Spencer as I prefer to think of him).

“Class” can sometimes be found in odd canisters.

Here’s hoping Baby gets everything she wants from Santa.

Point taken, Lawguy.

Something to say?