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Women in Prison pictures, like medieval morality plays, or Commedia dell’Arte, are comprised of several unvarying and indispensable archetypes:  There’s the tender young protagonist — wrongly convicted, often framed by her own drug-dealing boyfriend, and frequently, if paradoxically, the only actress in the cast with a “no nudity” rider in her contract.  There’s the lesbian alpha female of the cellblock, usually named “Cat,” who begins as an antogonist, but often ends as an ally.  And finally, there’s the villainous warden, who is often a bundle of contradictions — beautiful but twisted, powerful but needy, cruel but frightened — and usually played by Sybil Danning, Brigitte Nielsen, or most recently, Michelle Malkin, who has opened a re-education camp for Republican campaign staffers who were caught and exposed after attempting to creep off the reservation.

In a continually updated post entitled The McCain Campaign’s classless cowards, Malkin opines that “[t]he anonymous trashing of Sarah Palin by blabbermouth McCain aides who are leaking to Fox News is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting,” and notes that even if Palin is a grasping, lazy, oblivious ninny, you can hardly blame her for that.  If anything, it’s an indictment of a campaign who correctly intuited a hunger in the electorate for a young, attractive, insanely conservative MILF who’s not afraid to, oh, say, dress up in pigtails and a cheerleader outfit in order to keep her relationship with the base fresh and exciting, but which clearly picked the wrong one!


Regardless, Michelle deeply respects the way Palin stiffened the resolve of the Red States, and various other nether regions:

I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail. But two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.

Because she’s both shot animals and birthed babies, taken life and given life.  If that doesn’t scream Role Model, I don’t know what does, although I admit it’s kind of a high-pitched, keening scream, and when cleaning your ears afterward you may notice blood on the Q-Tips.

And she did it all with a tirelessness and infectious optimism that defied the shameless, bottomless attempts by elites in both parties to bring her and her family down.

And as we’ve all learned from watching Animal Planet, elites are a MILF’s natural enemy.  Probably because the elites are bottomless, and they covet her shapely ass.

Shame on the smearers who don’t have the balls to show their faces.

Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thank you for stepping up the plate and serving your country.

I also appreciate Sarah serving me and the rest of the country a plate of balls, although I’m pretty sure I ordered the 3-Cheese Frittata.

19 Responses to “You Know, They Killed The Rosenbergs For This Kind Of Disloyalty”

So who’s in charge of hunting down every single staffer who betrayed the Wasilla Hillbilly? Michelle or Ann Coulter? Looks like both are keening for the job.

I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail.

Is there some point in the future when these disagreements will be made public in real time, rather than post-facto? I mean, “conservatives” keep informing me of the vast seas of their ideological disputations, but whenever the money’s on the line they’re all crowded in the same friggin’ rowboat. Could you have found a more stereotypical red meat nitwit than Palin, assuming the requirements included “ability to read” and “no known photographs in Klan regalia clearly showing the face”? And yet, the smallest criticism of her was treated as apostasy, and the few public figures who “jumped ship” and weren’t already marginally Republican seemed to keep at least one hand on the gunwale.

Malkins exempted; I have no idea what (s)he writes, except when one of you wiseacres brings it up, but my suspicion is that if she really disagreed with something Councilwoman Palin said during the campaign it concerned an apology for whatever lying shitburger she’d served up the day before.

“…even if Palin IS a grasping, lazy, oblivious ninny, you can hardly blame HER for that.”
See, it’s stuff like that that make the day suck a little bit less.


It gets worse. Google “Operation Leper”.

You read that correctly. And you’ll read the links correctly: Malkin is suggesting a pogrom.

A pogrom? Oddly enough, one step in the development of institutional anti-semitism was the persecution of the lepers by Philip V of France in 1321. He needed money… the lazar houses, being well-regarded charities, had money… so he faked some stories about lepers plotting to poison wells and kill christians, tortured confessions out of people, burned a few hundred lepers at the stake, and confiscated the property of the lazar houses. The blood-libel fantasies were later recycled against Jews.
I am not making this up.

Malkin is suggesting a pogrom.

And I, for one, support her without reservation. It’s the least I can do for my country.

Aaah, she probably meant “program”.

Are you sure she doesn’t think she means “pompom”? Wouldn’t be surprised.

This so reminds me of the “proud” cons that are giving a sigh and trying to take reflected credit for how advanced “their” nation is, now that that monkey an African-American has been named president. They never seem to remember that they were the gibbering masses the sane members of America had to fight through to make sure it happened…

Anyhow – why are people coming out now with these supposed stories? Where the hell were they during the campaign when their knowledge could have made a difference?

Well, if life is sacred, then OBviously the tool with no purpose other than taking life is sacred too. \wingnut

According to some of Sarah’s aides, she didn’t even realize that Africa was a continent, not a country?
Cripes, why is Malkin defending a woman that makes HER look like a frakkin’ genius? Or did i just answer my own question?

When they were being polite, they called him a Halfrican-American. Just a note in passing. The pogrom will now continue without commercial interruption.

“Stepping up the plate”? Is this the same as super-sizing?

Let’s assume the rumor-mongers are telling the truth for a moment. Who does it damn more: Sarah Palin or McCain and his vetters who green-lighted her for the vice presidential nomination? Don’t need an Ivy League degree to figure that one out.

Nope, you sure don’t. You can learn about the fallacy of either/or thinking in high school, if you put down your pom-poms long enough to pay attention in class.

so he faked some stories about lepers plotting to poison wells and kill christians

This was, of course, upgraded this decade to anthrax in the mail, damned Mooslims…

Let’s assume the rumor-mongers are telling the truth for a moment. Who does it damn more: Sarah Palin or McCain and his vetters who green-lighted her for the vice presidential nomination?

I commented at Alicublog about this ticklish question, to wit:

I like the Palin story even better as a result of recent rumored grumblings among the McCain campaign that the 150 large spent on clothes came as a bit of a shock to them, and was supplanted by several instances of Palin’s putting clothes purchases on the credit cards of hapless McCain aides.

Makes her seem less like a dope, and more like the wiley Alaskan equivalent of a pikey who lulled the rubes with a good patter, then fleeced ‘em proper, leaving them with a handful of beans, and a smile and a wink–

and then disappeared in the night, laughing all the way.

I’d prefer to remember her that way, you know?

Well, Chris, I like the “disappeared” part.

I guarantee it, Bill. She has no interest in or talent for national politics, obviously, and will simply return to Alaska, there to be queen of the may or whatever the hell she thinks she is in that very small and insulated society, waving at Putin over the back fence as he hangs out his laundry.

Christ, what a knucklehead she turned out to be.

Makes her seem less like a dope, and more like the wiley Alaskan equivalent of a pikey who lulled the rubes with a good patter, then fleeced ‘em proper, leaving them with a handful of beans, and a smile and a wink–

and then disappeared in the night, laughing all the way.

o/~ Monorail, monorail, monoraaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiil o/~

cleaning your ears afterward you may notice blood on the Q-Tips.

thank you. people didn’t believe me when i said she made my ears bleed.

Something to say?