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The topic on everyone’s mind today: Bristol Palin. 

The main talking points:  (1) the liberals are really mean to have made Sarah Palin’s daughter get pregnant out of wedlock, just to make Sarah look bad; and (2) The pregnancy actually makes Sarah a more attractive candidate to Evangelicals.  This is because the bun in the daughter’s unmarried oven demonstrates that Sarah really is against abortion, and also shows that Sarah and her family are just like them (sinners; parents of rebellious kids who just won’t do abstinence; trailer trash; etc.). 

Here are a few examples.  First, our friend Pastor Swank breaks the news that Bristol Palin did not abort her baby.

Sarah Palin is for abstinence prior to marriage as well as not murdering womb infants.

When her 17-year-old Bristol became pregnant, Bristol did not abort her child. Instead, she is expecting and praying for a healthy human being.

She is also going to marry the baby’s father, handsome hockey hunk Levi Johnston.

Bristol and Levi are like a lot of the couples who get married here: teenaged, no schooling beyond high school, no job skills, and a baby on the way (or already here).  They get married due to parental and societal expectations.  Their marriages usually last about 5 years, and often end in acrimony, financial strain, and with damaged children.  So, although I wish Bristol and her handsome hockey hunk all the best, I think that nobody should see marriage as the panacea for teen pregnancy.

If Bristol had been reared in a theologically liberal household like B. Hussein Obama’s, it very well could be that she would have already aborted her child.

B. Hussein Obama and wife, Michelle, enthusiastically support abortion. In fact, when the Supreme Court outlawed partial-birth abortion, B. Hussein considered the decision horrific.

If Bristol has been reared in Hillary and Bill Clinton’s household, it very well could have been that she would have been encouraged most certainly to murder her womb human.

Or, it could be that if Bristol had been reared by the Obamas or the Clintons, she never would have gotten knocked up in the first place, because she would know about sex and about birth control.  Heck, she might not have even been sexually active, because she might have had a better relationship with her parents, and might have heeded their advice not to have sex until she was older (or to wait until marriage, or whatever it is the Obamas and Clintons tell their daughters). 

In any case, I like the Pastor’s new line of political accessories: Womb Humans!  Trade them, collect them, get the whole set!

Next, Michelle Malkin’s latest column (The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse) is about how the nasty liberals are treating Sarah Palin just like they treat Michelle, because the libs just can’t stand smart, strong, capable, non-feminist women (you know, women like Michelle and Sarah).  Michelle resorted to using comments from DU and the Huffington Post to try to show just how low the liberals will stoop to invalidate Sarah’s creds — so here’s a comment from one of Michelle’s Town Hall readers:

If I wanted a black president,
I’d move to Africa. If I wanted a marxist/communist president, who’d tax me to death, I’d move to Cuba. If I wanted a Muslim for president, I’d move to Iran. If I wanted all of the above, I’d stay here and vote Obama/Biden.

Thankfully. I now have a choice: McCain/Palin.

I think that the McCain/Palin campaign should make this message into a TV spot, since it would resonate with the kind of people to whom they are hoping to appeal.

Lastly, here are a couple of thoughts from Kathleen Parker’s Palin the Impaled“:

Others have used what should be a private family matter to challenge Palin’s preference for abstinence-only sex education.

Like commenter heydave said, “Johnny McMav sez: it’s a purely personal choice to become pregnant out of wedlock, but a pressing public issue to abort the fetus.”

Were it not for the pain of a teenager who didn’t deserve to be exposed and exploited, the left’s hypocrisy in questioning Palin’s qualifications to be vice president against the backdrop of her family’s choices would be delicious. Instead, it leaves a bad taste.

You know, there was a way to have helped to protect Bristol from being exposed and exploited: all her mother had to do was to TURN DOWN THE VP-NOMINEE OFFER.  If Palin wasn’t running for the second highest job in the land, who (outside of Alaskans) would be paying any attention when the AK governor’s teen daughter married her red-neck boyfriend and had a baby two months later? 

Sure, Sarah is free to run on the McCain ticket even though she has a 17-year-old daughter who is 5 months pregnant and feeling kind of vulnerable, but it’s rather disingenuous for anyone to suggest that it’s the Democrats who are exploiting Bristol and exposing her to unwanted scrutiny.

52 Responses to “Wingnuts Say the Darndest Things”

If I had a 17-year-old daughter who was pregnant, I don’t think I’d be saying to myself, “This is a perfect time to take a more stressful job!”
How stupid a Parker? It’s a “private family matter” that Palin announced to the world. Does she really not see how hypocritical it is to push for a sex education program that doesn’t work, and have a kid who’s walking proof that it doesn’t?

I’m sure if Obama had a 17-year-old daughter who had gotten pregnant:

- Rush Limbaugh would call it a “private matter” and urge his listeners not to rush to judgement.
- Bill O’Reilly would tell his viewers the topic was off limits, and cut off the mike of anyone who brought it up.
- Sean Hannity would talk about how it makes the Obamas a normal American family
- Ann Coulter, that minx, would probably make a sly, subtle remark in one of her columns, but otherwise leave it unmentioned.
- The audience at Free Republic, Red State and LGF would express their sympathy and return to debating the fine points of Obama’s tax plans
- A new breed of unicorns would be discovered that urinated pure unleaded gasoline

Really, it would all be wonderful news, except for actor Mike Myers, who would be horribly killed when a herd of monkeys emerged, flying, from his butt.

Kathleen Parker:

Women who won’t budge on abortion have hit fast-forward in their heads and, given McCain’s age, consider the risk too great that a President Palin would load the Supreme Court with pro-lifers who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

No, I think everyone is pretty confident that McMaverick will do the same thing. That isn’t the reason everybody is a bit worried about a President Palin. Geez, the woman makes me wonder if Quayle wasn’t such a bad pick.

Whether that is a realistic concern is debatable, but what’s perfectly clear is that feminism today is not about advancing women, but only a certain kind of woman.

Yes, a certain kind of woman who does not oppose rights for women.

[…] (Nods to the World O’ Crap for pointing me in the direction of Grant Swank’s big bonerz. Read their take here.) […]

If Bristol has been reared in Hillary and Bill Clinton’s household, it very well could have been that she would have been encouraged most certainly to murder her womb human.

to…be like the womb human, to live like the womb human, why are these things not in the plan?

“Womb infant” and “womb human” now. Looks like Swank is branching out.

Poor Bristol is just the Repugs latest “Shiny Object”

“…Bristol did not abort her child. Instead, she is expecting and praying for a healthy human being.”

Well, duh. What else would she hope for, a healthy penguin?

handsome hockey hunk Levi Johnston.

Is Pastor Swank writing for “Entertainment Tonight” now?

all her mother had to do was to TURN DOWN THE VP-NOMINEE OFFER.

Amazin’, really, how easy it is for the salient feature of any matter to hide behind some people’s personal interest, no matter how small.

I’ve said it elsewhere and I’ll say it again: probably the most remarkable child of any White House resident in most of our lifetimes was slimed, personally, repeatedly, and mercilessly, beginning at age twelve by these same idiots, including the current Republican nominee, for the crime of being Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter. Fuck ‘em.

If Bristol has been reared in Hillary and Bill Clinton’s household, it very well could have been that she would have been encouraged most certainly to murder her womb human.

Wow…just wow. That’s even more incoherent than usual.

I think Swanky’s medication might need adjustment.

Interesting how the word “adoption” never comes up as a choice, obvious as it is. That would give the “womb human” a home, and save Bristol and the “hockey hunk” (did a grown man really write that?) from the joys of teenage marriage. But then that would detract from the black-and-white, death-or-life womb human argument.

Ah, Swank.

I vaguely recall reading, as a young womb human, about a 19th-century railroad worker who took an iron spike through the skull as a result of an accident with dynamite, and yet he lived to a ripe old age, a celebrated (if baffling) medical freak.

The good pastor Swank and his inimitable prose style always make me think of that story. An iron spike through the frontal lobes must have SOMETHING to do with his writing ability, his viewpoints. Or possibly both.


An iron spike through the frontal lobes must have SOMETHING to do with his writing ability OR his viewpoints. Or possibly both.

Or! OR!!!

Sorry. The RNC’s on, and I’ve been drinking.

I wish Bristol nothing but the best with her marriage and child, and as far as I’m concerned that’s the end of it.

Except I can’t get over how hypocritical the right wing commentariat is being over this! Fuckheads like Rod Dreher are telling us that this is just the kind of ordinary thing that happens to everyday Americans, and the Palins deserve respect and discretion.

Rod Dreher, who once called a woman he didn’t know a “slut” because she wore a low-cut dress for her wedding.

How dare these mysogynistic fucks lecture the rest of us on feminism and respect for women?

Maybe this’ll inspire them to cut unmarried poor black women some slack, but I doubt it.

I see you all missed the fact that word of the pregnancy was leaked to Reuters by McSames’ people.And we’re just supposed to ignore it? Hmmm, just another distraction for the talking points?

Funny how all the attention on Bristol and her womb human means that the press hardly has any time to talk about Palin’s far-right ideology and wingnut beliefs, or the way she constantly lies about her own political record. It’s also kind of funny that someone who wants us to respect the privacy of her daughter trots her and her intended front and center in every public appearance she makes. I wonder how national concern troll Kathleen Parker feels about moms who use their kids to further their own political careers.

I vaguely recall reading, as a young womb human, about a 19th-century railroad worker who took an iron spike through the skull as a result of an accident with dynamite, and yet he lived to a ripe old age, a celebrated (if baffling) medical freak.

If no-one else is going to be the neuroscience pedant, and this unpleasant task devolves upon me, then so be it. Phineas Gage died before his 37th birthday, about 11-1/2 years after his close encounter with the tamping pole.

OK, back to whatever you were doing.

Herr Doktor: danke schoen.

That womb thing from the Swankster is gaining traction: Johnny McMav: womb geriatric to onward lead us!

Or, it could be that if Bristol had been reared by the Obamas or the Clintons, she never would have gotten knocked up in the first place

Right, because that trampy little baby factory, Chelsea Clinton, clearly can’t keep a fetus in her womb after all those abortions…

You know, there was a way to have helped to protect Bristol from being exposed and exploited: all her mother had to do was to TURN DOWN THE VP-NOMINEE OFFER.

Are you kidding, s.z.?

Look at it this way: when Palin runs in 2012, all this baggage will already be out there, courtesy of the failed sacrificial lamb candidacy of John McCain!

Of COURSE she’s going to accept the nomination.

Ahh, always refreshing to see a hate-filled leftist rant site with no factual content and a stream of liberal-think. Go ahead, vote for Hussein. Robots.

True. It’s far less robotic to vote for anyone who carries the Republican mantle for that reason alone.

You got everyone’s number, good one!

Phineas Gage died before his 37th birthday, about 11-1/2 years after his close encounter with the tamping pole.

In the 1800s, that was actually fairly advanced. Life expectancy for a male American in 1870 was 45 or so. This would not be unlike a 70 year old dying today. Not “a ripe old age”, but not too bad.

hate-filled leftist rant site with no factual content and a stream of liberal-think.

We prefer to think of ourselves as a “hate-filled leftist comedic participatory site with no factual content necessary and a stream of Perrier flowing into our crystal goblets,” thanks.

I LOVE this hockey mom!
She makes me feel better without thinking, and I’m so very sure she won’t fuck me over, even as I wished she’d fuck me!

“Drill!” she says, of only to say something…
“Fuck that bridge to nowhere!” she says, even when the point became cold and moot…

Oh yeah, she’s got that “reality” thing pinned down.

Jarhead: you be so fucking wise.

What makes you think they wanted to protect Bristol from scrutiny? Tell me, what happened in New Hampshire when sexism towards Hillary appeared? Women rallied around her, because people rally around victims.

The republicans aren’t trying to get the old Hillary supporters, they’re trying to make new ones. That’s what this was so last minute. The McCain camp didn’t want the slow leak buildup in the press to prepare the country for Palin. They wanted the frenzy and for better or worse they got it.

Go ahead, vote for Hussein. Robots.

Pshaw. You’re not going to succeed in scaring us with the robot menace.

Fuck the republicans, and fuck the trolls, I’m threadjacking.

I got two new kittens a month ago. Turns out, they have ringworm, which it seems me and my partner were the last two people in this suburb of big dogs, outdoor cats, and zillions of children not to know was in fact not a worm but a fungus, which is why the vet didn’t bother to explain it.

Anyway, we have some fungicidal shampoo and some fungicidal antiseptic wipes, and the main concern is mostly how the hell do we keep this stuff from laying dormant all over the spare room where the kittens are isolated so that a year and a half from now none of the three cats picks it up again? I’m thinking once it’s gone I add some fungicidal shampoo to the carpet cleaner and then scrub down the walls, but man, we have a futon in there that’s not even remotely washable save for the cover.

This being a site frequented by liberal catlovers, I figured I’d ask for advice here. The kittens are handling the baths with remarkable equanimity, but the stuff is spreading on at least one of them. And I’ve got an older longhaired cat who hasn’t been in the same room with them but until this last weekend I didn’t think to change my clothes when I went from playing with the kittens to playing with the cat and considering how damned furry she is I may not know she’s got it till it’s *really* bad, and shampooing her is *not* an option, the one time I tried she near took my thumb off.

Any advice from you crazies with your multiple pet households?

And oh yes, tomorrow is my birthday. Dare I hope for an Ann Coulter pic?

D. Sidhe,

Years ago, my roommate brushed sulfer powder into the carpet after the kitties had a bout of ringworm. I’m not sure why or how well that worked, but she was a pre-med Chem major, so I trusted her opinion.

Just like an evangelical to make up a rosey picture of a slut with no brains and a lying mother who did not give birth to kid number one, but in fact belongs to the daughter.

Back to the point. The “pastor” swank says it’s holy for the creepy girl to have a kid, but then he follows up with a MADE UP WHAT IF STORY AND PINS IT ON A FINE FAMILY (OBAMA). His story telling is wholly untrue, yes, but he thinks people believe it because he is used to a pack of sheeple listening to his barf on Sundays and passing the plate for HIM.


Yellowbird: from one slut in defense of possibly another: fuck off. All anyone knows for sure is the kid has had sex once. This hardly makes her a slut. You got any evidence otherwise, go write a tell all book. Barring that, again, fuck off.

Teenagers have sex. It happens. Sometimes it happens often, regardless of who their parents are. It doesn’t make teenagers bad people, and you can keep your judgments to yourself. Abstinence is if anything a personal virtue, it’s informed safe sex that’s the public good.

Dorothy, thanks. I’ll look into that. It makes sense, they recommend shampoos with sulfur to keep it from spreading to you. (Which I’m less worried about now that I know it’s not an actual worm. These days I’m allergic as hell to pretty much everything anyway, one more rash isn’t gonna make much of a difference as long as I don’t share it around.)

I could be wrong and mostly likely am, but what about Sarah Palins oldist kid? What are the dates of mariage from Palins and their first born?
I heard she either had it WAY early or she had a bun in the oven when Sarah got hitched to Jed Clampit.

D., here’s some info that sounds reliable to me:

The problem with decontaminating the environment is that very few products are effective. Bleach diluted 1:10 will kill 80% of fungal spores with one application and any surface that can be bleached, should be bleached. Vigorous vacuuming and steam cleaning of carpets will help remove spores and, of course, vacuum bags should be discarded. To reduce environmental contamination, infected cats should be confined to one room until they have cultured negative.

I can tell you from personal experience, even surfaces that shouldn’t be bleached, CAN be bleached if you don’t mind some color fading. (I was cleaning up after feline distemper, so I only needed to use a 1:30 ration of bleach to water, so it wasn’t as damaging as 1:10 would be.)

Also, I know that our rescue has used sucessfully used Program flea treatment at higher doses to treat ringworm. A quick check of the web reveals that this is also supposed to work with cats, but hasn’t actually been proven, so you might want to research it yourself and then talk to your vet about it. (It’s not supposed to be safe, so it might be worth trying.)

Also, healthy, short-haired cats are supposed to cure themselves after about 4 months anyway, so you shouldn’t have to deal with it any longer than that. And healthy adult cats have some resistance to ringworm and never develop symptoms from the fungus. So, your other cat will probably be fine.

Good luck! You and the babies will be in my thoughts.

All anyone knows for sure is the kid has had sex once.

However, with a hockey player she’s been dating for two years, who is two years’ her senior?

Can we can it implausible that she got preggers on her first try?

Oh, and D., you just check the site tomorrow — there will definitely be some kind of birthday surprise for you.

And here’s an early birhtday present: some more ringworm info!

Ringworm is contagious to people, however, some people are at greater risk than others. The fungus takes advantage of skin belonging to those with reduced immune capacity. This puts young animals and children, elderly people and pets, those who are HIV+, people on chemotherapy or taking medication after tranfusion or organ transplant and highly stressed people and animals at high risk. In general, if you do not already have ringworm at the time your pet is diagnosed, you probably will not get it.

So, AVOID STRESS. No more Rush Limbaugh for you!

D. Sidhe, and all who care: Arson is greatly underrated for curing ills of various sorts.

Seriously, if I don’t know how to address a problem I think it’s not necessarily a bad idea to burn everything.

p.p.s. Good luck

Ringworm is contagious to people

Don’t I know this. I’m a fucking living yeast factory, it seems…

My experience is that ringworm clears up on its own or with mild treatment if the affected creatures are healthy. Unlike conservatism, unfortunately.

Well, I may end up ditching the futon, but probably not burning it. They’re down to plastic toys and a couple blankets that are getting laundered repeatedly and thoroughly. My partner hunted down replacements for several of their soft toys for when they’re all better.

Nagi, the girl, is definitely showing signs of spread, so she may end up getting shaved, poor baby, just so I can see where to use the antifungal wipes on her. My vet is on vacation until the twentieth, so if it gets bad we’ll take her elsewhere. They’ve still got the gunky eyes from the cold, but are otherwise perfectly healthy and possibly bordering on manic, frankly. My vet seemed to regard all of this as no big deal, and appears to treat it frequently. (We’re a redneck community. Everybody but us has dogs and kids and outdoor cats. He sees it all the time, and presumably what he’s doing with us works often enough to keep doing it.)

But I appear to have stumbled across the internet research paper on the subject that’s set on PANIC, and possibly am more worried about it than I should be. If it spreads to the longhaired older cat who cannot be bathed, I guess we start in with oral meds, but since they don’t seem entirely safe the vet isn’t eager to do that with any of them. We may get there with Nagi, too, but it looks like there are various intermediate measures before we get there.

Other than that, I’ll try the bleach and the shampoo frequently now and repeatedly once they’re cleared up and out of the spare room, and hope for the best. It has to work okay or peoples’ pets and kids would be reinfecting themselves *constantly*, right?

You do gotta wonder about all that well-meaning advice about rubbing your old cats with your new cats’ blankets and stuff to get them used to each other. Having raised fishes and having quarantine ingrained, I was hesitant. Good thing, it sounds like.

As to young Ms Palin, oh, sure, for all we know she’s slept with half the men in Alaska. But for all we know, she’s had sex exactly once. In any event, no harm, no foul. Dr Mike and his “biological guilt” bullshit aside, if she didn’t get pregnant (and if there’s no proof she did, it’s hardly our business. Hell, it’s not even our business if there *is*, unless there’s some evidence there was abuse of some sort involved.) and it was all consensual, then it’s entirely between her, her partner or partners, and *possibly* her God, her doctors, her therapist, and her family.

As far as I’m concerned, you may freely fuck anyone you want, and if nobody gets hurt you can lie about it all you like, or not, up to you. And considering how many assholes will go around calling you a slut with no brains, lying about it doesn’t seem like a bad option.

Personally, I hope her family is actually treating her in private as a kid who’s made a mistake. It’d be better if there wasn’t what appears to be a shotgun wedding looming, but again, for all we know the kids have been planning to get married for years.

So her mom’s a hypocrite, as are all the other wingnuts who can excuse what they would otherwise condemn because they like the people involved. But young Ms Palin hasn’t, as far as I know, offered any views on premarital sex, which means she’s just another kid who got pregnant. Happens all the time, and while it’s an unfortunate situation it doesn’t in itself make her a bad person worthy of scorn. You wanna call her mother a liar, go ahead though I hope you have more proof than a chain email. But the kid is likely to be punished plenty for something that isn’t a crime or even much of a sin.

It’d be better if there wasn’t what appears to be a shotgun wedding looming, but again, for all we know the kids have been planning to get married for years.

The stories I’m seeing all seem to indicate that the marriage plans are being thrown around rather hastily.

I know plenty of girls who got pregnant and then married. My own niece did precisely this. The wedding plans begin to be put into place as soon as the pregnancy is discovered and the decision is made to carry to term, OR no wedding plans are made, ever.

Not saying this is a rule, but that seems to be what happens. Particularly, I would imagine in a family where religion of the evangelical strain runs rampant, marriage is almost immediately set upon.

Nearly every story I’ve read regarding the Palins has the marriage plans starting after she was approached in early August about the VP spot.

It’s possible they decided that she should have the baby, get her degree, and he get his (that’s right, he hasn’t graduated yet) and then they get married, and things just got moved forward by a bit.

But that’s not the sense I get from reading the stories. It almost seems like her parents were disassociated from the entire process until her career was threatened, which explains a lot about the family dynamic there.

As for Bristol herself, I feel horrible for her, worse because abortion is clearly off the table, no matter how much she might not want to go through with this, and who’d blame her?

It’s her mom that deserves and has rightly earned all my contempt.

I passed along info and advice and links to my partner, who said, “Great, now will you stop. fucking. panicking?” So thanks from both of us, and also the kittens, I’m guessing, since I’ll stop freaking out at them because I’m convinced their fur will never grow back or whatever.

The vet at the SPCA hands out tablets whenever we’re fostering a batch of kitties with ringworm… some antifungal drug by the name of griseofulvin. It beats shaving and shampooing.

Happy birthday D.Sidhe!

D. Sidhe - the kittens’ fur will grow back. It may take a while, but it’ll happen. My stupid babycat ate about three feet of tulle netting and had to have three major surgeries (one to remove the tulle, two to remove infected fat) which left parts of his front legs and most of his belly shaved bare. It seemed like he was going to look really weird forever after he recovered, but then one day I was rubbing his tummy and noticed, hey, his fur had reappeared, cool.

Good luck and happy early birthday!

We are not womb humans, we are Devo.

Here’s the breakdown, according to the worldview of Republicans:

Black urban teenage unmarried pregnant mother:
causes welfare dependancy, crime, drug use, delinquency and illitracy.

White rural evangelical Republican unmarried pregnant mother:
A conduit of God’s divine miracles, a testament to the commitment of brave people to face their responsibilities head-on and save a human womb-baby’s life.

The hypocracy is disgusting.

If hypocrisy were gold, the Republicans would be rich… oh… wait… they already are, at least the ones with three grey cells to rub together. For anyone else, being a Pubbie is lunacy or evidence of borderline mental retardation.

womb human

Great. That will give someone from the the SciFi channel inspiration to make another shitty, “for-teevee-movie”.

On second thought, if Womb Human is pitted against Glans Man, who would previal? (This could start a whole new genre of organ-inspired superheroes.

womb human

Great. That will give someone from the the SciFi channel inspiration to make another shitty, “for-teevee-movie”.

No no no! First they have to make MY idea for a shitty movie: Snow Flake Babies

You see, it’s about parents who adopted these frozen embryos, who LOST THEIR SOULS while they were frozen, and are now HORRIBLE SOUL SUCKING monsters! My tagline for the flick? Snowflake Babies: They’ll Melt Your Heart. LITERALLY.

actually, if the palins did not want their children, particularly bristol, who they claim to have known was pregnant before 8/29, to be “exposed and exploited,” they could have left them home and NOT used them as campaign props.

but, sadly, that’s never been done before …

oh, wait! that’s right! the obamas did precisely that — the obama daughters have remained in chicago with their mother!

the one interview the whole family did for people magazine? roundly excoriated by the rightwing as inappropriate for the obamas to “use” their children that way.

this has been one more installment in: “this country makes my head explode!”

Something to say?