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RIP, Ron Silver.  Here’s hoping heaven will be pre-9/11, for you…
(Did you know he was recruited as a CIA apprentice? Neither did I!  But it makes his role in “Heat Vision and Jack” make so much more sense, now):

9 Responses to “Ron Silver, One of the Dead Neo Cons…”

Another liberal who became conservative because he got mugged. I’ve often wondered why conservatives are so proud of that saying. Changing all your principles because you’re frightened? Yeah, sign me up.

Well, a particularly sexist republicunt of my past acquaintance used to say, “If you’re not a democrat in your 20s, you have no soul. If you’re not a republican by 30, then you have no mind.”

I’d say in this case, that Ron seemed to have lost both. When I was young, I actually admired his acting skills, but he still gave me the heebie-jeebies. Something just wasn’t right with that man. Maybe his passive-aggressive soul secretly craved to be dominated by “the criminal element,” so that he could be sexually aroused by the endorphin/adrenaline rush. Just a theory, of course… But you’ll notice that a lot of people born to privilege tend towards your kinkier sexual predilections/paraphilias, because their day-to-day lives are so “safe.”

BTW, since when is “disadmired” an actual WORD?!?!?! The man had a master’s degree, but he fell into the Dumbya-Speak idiocy of creating “new” words. So sad.

And yes, when I do it, it’s “colloquial,” dammit. There’s a difference.

Oh, and re: the “wisdom” of the aforementioned republicunt? Have I mentioned that this particular republicunt has been sued three times for sexual harassment/discrimination? Yeah, even Clear Channel will only cover a guy’s ass for so long. Tsk, tsk. (And yes, Annti is smirking and enjoying teh schadenfreude… heh heh heh…)

I have the disfortune of sharing an alma mater with Silver.

For one-tenth of his life, he disgraced and dishonored one of the finest institutions of public education on the planet.

When I pointed this out to a bunch of fellow alumnoids who were falling all over themselves praising his (adequate) acting ability, man, you couldn’t imagine the hue-and-cry. You’d think I walked onto PJ Media and poured acid on his headstone!

Another liberal who became conservative because he got mugged. I’ve often wondered why conservatives are so proud of that saying.

Well the converse to the old “a conservative is a liberal who just got mugged” trope is “a liberal is a conservative who has just been arrested.”

Okay, Mentis, let’s see the rap sheet…

…heh heh heh…

And Actor, if you get anywhere near Ron’s headstone, you already know what we’ll want you to “pour” upon it, and you won’t need a special permit to buy it…

(And yes, I swore in 1979 that if & when I ever get to Cali, to do the same thing to Ronnie Ray-Gun’s mausoleum or pyramid or whatever con-farn idolatry they’ve built in homage to their republicunt stooge-gawd…)

Okay, I finally downloaded that… clip. Brilliant on many levels, fucktarded on others… Anyway, as I’m too medicated and exhausted to imdb tonight, could somebody explain to me what became of “Heat Vision And JACK”? Was it a sketch from the old FUX show that I don’t remember?

Well, not that it matters, obviously, but I went and did the imdb. Kinda wish that I hadn’t. They’re floating rumors that there’ll be ANOTHER

Well, not that it matters, obviously, but I went and did the imdb. Kinda wish that I hadn’t. They’re floating rumors that there’ll be ANOTHER pilot, if not an actual theatrical-release FILM.

I keep wracking my brain, trying to remember when it was that I liked Jack Black, but for the life of me, I can’t place it… I keep thinking that I did like him at some point… maybe it’s just a hallucination…


I know that my dexterity is shot to hell, but I have no friggin’ idea how I did THAT.

Something to say?